Huge Paranoia

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Paranoiac perceptive of electro magnetic wave:

I assume that depends by which bandwidth of electric wave, and by how much the wave got concentrated when you got be damaged. It is important to try this – when you got pain, cover your hand where you feel any pains on your part of body. Hands are one of most sensitive and concentrated nerves. You may sense the pain is scam! For instance, your runny nose doesn’t stop; try covering nose by hands for 10 minutes. My friend before said to me “Human bodies are tougher than you think” was true.

Sense of deceptions

If your head was damaged, you may sense the followings,

1. Working of eyes sights (disable to get focusing)
2. Repetitive short time memories lose
3. Stuffing nose
4. Severe migraine
5. Lethargy, hypnotism

When your body is damaged,

1. Surface of our body
Skin irritableness,Itchiness
Nerve pains
Muscular atrophy (difficulty of building up)
Chilliness of your body

2. Inner organs (of course invisible electric wave through our body isn’t it?)

Repetitive mouth ulcer and biting own tongue
Respiratory function disorders (Lang, throat)
Hepatic function disorders
Cardiac problems
Digestive function disorders

I got to tell you that I am neither a doctor nor a scientist. These are just a paranoiac report by who suffers severe physical disorders for decade and struggling to regain the basic human rights.


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