Huge Paranoia

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The accident

It’s been 3 years, since Stephen, one of my friendships in England, died the bike accident in 13th, Nov, 2003. He had a fiancée. After he brought flowers for her birthday to her office at Bristol, he got accident.

I heard the accident by his aunt after traveling France. As I got a severe pain all around my body and depression causes lasting rainy weather by importunate satellite technology (at that time, I had no way to think like that, of course I was supposed to be just anybody else), I just decide it out of blue one day before the journey. Likewise, I often went the casual traveling for avoiding pain and distress, but they were always importunate to me.

As I wrote before, there is still concern that his accident is because of dickhead 4-seasons-mating-season ideology satellite scam technology in my head. It was totally unforgettable tragedy.

But I have realized after coming back to own country and it is make sense to me why the communistic scam alien were unfathomably fully importunate. It was for the exploitation, intimidation, observation, corruption, stimulation, domestication, persecution, spying, then me as a scapegoat.

They tether me since I was very young and trying anyway to institutionalize me was their damn business. Who are them?

They are absolutely institutionalize-raised, either superior or inferior complex turns god complex, celebrity complex, communistic, monopolistic, fascistic, fanatic, fetishistic, sponging on our world, pretending to be ancestral curse, racist, anti-intelligence dickhead all-time-mating-season and all-time-full-of-attention-who-is-mating-with ideologist, FUBER with their own obsession of ruling the world political scam alien from outer space.

What do you think?


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