Huge Paranoia

Friday, November 03, 2006


I often drink alcohol, having it sooner or later usually I feel my nerves gets ease and blood gets better be circulated even though it depends on electro-magnetic abuse degree of satellite technology. Then by beaten up, usually I get bitter side effect rather than hangover, because by taking beer only 500 ml can. But I heard the alcohol in our vain takes at least half day for its metabolism. In the type of abuse that effect on our nerve system and altering physiologically and of course the scam satellite technology is able to observe those bio-chemical change by taking alcohol, or medicine, drug etc, it makes sense that the scam satellite technology would be lethal on our body. And even when I don’t take any chemical stuff, I get short temper than normal state; surly it affects not only physically but also mentally.

It was on my way home by my old banger in the winter evening from Southampton to Poole more than 3 years ago, I had had beer 500ml can in my friend’s flat. (It is absolutely all right in UK law and my capacity also no problem with confidence) then something unprecedented for me had happened. I started driving sooner; I got dizzy, lost balance and eyesight. I felt like got blind. Then I once lost the way home as well. It was literally the driving for survival. As a solution, I remember that I opened all window of car, with shivering by winter air; I could find my way home.

When I recall these above, there is still certain doubtful concern whether the obvious scam satellite chemical marker spread in my car interior, and I have still concerns its lethalness; what if the chemical was spread in motor cyclist’s helmet!


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