Huge Paranoia

Friday, July 07, 2006

Latest paranoiac thought

I’m suffering delusional episode and physical pain often focus my paranoia on external tormenter usually one conforming to Jungian or Floridian archetype, in my case; the morbid persistence and perverted offensiveness stem from the gruesome libido of such as paedophile faggot or brain work fetishistic, biochemical, biological, physiological, psychological, psychic fetishistic ideologist, namely institutionalized raised either inferior or superior complex asshole turns god complex, 4000 years history ancestral, communistic, monopolistic, fascistic alien, is haunting me, and stimulating my groin, watching my brain work, hacking into my vision, exploiting any aspect of my behavior, detaining 24 hours and never go away, so I decide that if I became prime minister or president in any nation, I will use Queen’s “Don’t stop me now” as a national anthem and I make many satellites flout around our world in ecstasy, produce many atomic bomb and conquer our world then domesticate and institutionalize this world, and I do the observation masturbation everyday, and I would say “Don’t stop me now, I’m having a good time!”

(No, I don’t)


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