Huge Paranoia

Monday, September 25, 2006

The alien

In my paranoiac delusional episode, I am deprived my faculty and infringed my human right by institutionalize-raised communistic monopolistic fascistic fanatic fetishistic alien from outer space. But why are they communistic? When I am abroad, I asked the communistic country’s friends whether they have a right to freedom of speech, expression, and democracy. The answer was that they are NOT ALLOWED TO CLAIM THE RIGHTS and even to use these terms. We believe that these human rights are vital as mankind. We also believe that we all are endowed with these rights beyond ethics, race, and religion.

When I recall my life with paranoia, there is always unidentified communistic monopolistic fascistic fanatic fetishistic scamming that depriving my faculty and human rights, interference of relations. So I have to make myself clear about any ideology that would threat my life and my human rights. I am not a communist, I don’t take any abuse any further and I found their contradictory of the communistic scam alien’s ideology.

If the scam alien say anything against us that mandate to threaten or to infringe our human rights by intimidation institutionalize-raised fetishistic god complex electro-magnetic wave satellite technology, which means they are invoking our human right even though they do not have it in their institutionalize-raised scam ideology. Namely they are sponging on, freeloading, free-riding and indulging in our world. In this case, we are able to demand them to withhold them the opportunity of invoking their freedom of human right, namely we demand them to shut their own up. And they must withhold it because they are prohibited in their basic principle of their ideology, mustn't they?


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