Huge Paranoia

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The historical tragedy

Although paranoiac delusional episodes, as I found the subconscious abuse getting realistic, this potential menace should be remarked;

Have you read Stephen King’s novel, “Apt Pupil”? The story is a wealthy decent family child turns murderer in his adolescence, since he met retired Nazi, he experience numerous evil dreams and thoughts.
The point is how far the people could be cruel by being abused subconscious. And in my experience, as it wouldn’t be difficult to broadcast the assimilating subconscious technology to mass people, it would be possible many people could conceive murderous simultaneously. I assume that no wonder the massacres or genocides in the passed could be happened by subconscious abuse. In this point of view, abuser also could be abused. But who is abusing abuser? I hope it’s not the psychotic game of exploiting satellite technology of the institutionalize-raised monopolistic fascistic fanatic fetishistic, pretending ancestral curse, anti-intelligence, racist, god complex, communistic celebrity complex, asshole alien from outer space in my paranoia.


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