Huge Paranoia

Monday, April 17, 2006

The mean process

In my delusional, paranoiac, schizophrenic point of view, I’d like to make stories of the process of my delusional episodes;

1. The Mean Identity;
Main character is a mean jerk. He bugged someone’s wisdom teeth, which’s especially long staying foreigners in foreign country. Then, he tethers them and observes them, often exploits them with intimidations.

2. The Mean Supremacy;
When victim returns their own country, the main character turns industrial spy over his victim, using his position effectively, exploits any sort of aspect of relationship with fear. And try to ruin few people’s life.

3. the war of the mean world;
The main character gets too jerkey, eventually become indiscriminately harmful; torching High radiation peeping device against human beings brain cells; that’s because he wasn’t human being. He was an alien came from the outer space of the planet of jerks.

NOTE: it is a totally fiction and nonsense.

It may sound familiar if you like movie. I just make humorous parody name so that when we befall depressing situation which seems to be no exit. It may be good thing to humoring when we have a situation which may not be able to laugh. Especially I commend you to make a movie of “The war of the mean world” that is funny one.

I went nuts.


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