Huge Paranoia

Monday, July 24, 2006

Are aliens raising institutionalized human being?

After coming back my own country, I found the morbid persistence doesn’t just ancestral curse; it ought to be some kind of nasty business. As I can see, I am already 38 years, since the institutionalize work by nasty patriotic freeload-ism alien commenced, it’s been 30 years. I don’t really think this circumstance only for me, many people would be under the regime of the institutionalize work in this world exploitation of ELECTRO-MAGNETIC VIBRATION WAVE through SATELLITE technology in my PARANOIA. So why do they raise human-being by taking long time span? Until I find alleged answer, it didn’t take long.

1.Type sabotage 1 –Vengeance

With fun, watching social destruction institutionalized human surroundings in such as his family raw, social relationship without any alien’s illegality.

2.Type sabotage 2 –Business

Giving a role each institutionalized human, because once a person who is institutionalized, they are very docile and exploitable, easy to pull their string, emotionally, or their behaviors.

I think I went nut, and too much watch movies.


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