Huge Paranoia

Friday, August 25, 2006

The social work based on Institutionalize-raised patriotic domestication ERP framework

I came across the Japanese news in TV which mother chokes her baby to death. The news says mother was awfully afflicted and depressed to raise her baby.

In my recent paranoia, often I find similarity in any incidents in this world with my case which is the state of 24 hours detention and I find there must be some negative social work to waste and spoil our life by our own.

In my paranoiac point of view, I allegedly speculate the relationship between the mother and the alien who sponge us, do nasty things.

Domestication ERP violation;

In my paranoia, they search such above states are a subject of oppression

・ our productivity
・ our diligent hood
・ our conspicuity
・ our genius hood
・ our virtue
・ our purity

Alien’s objective as their social work

To sponge and provide us unpleasant environment as much as they can manipulate through observing 24 hours everyday.

・The relationship manipulation
 I allegedly presume that the mother must be alone. She must leave gradually from her relationship. It could say vice versa.

・The subconscious manipulation
I allegedly presume that the mother was dreamed dreadful nightmare which is 100% bogus and free riding while asleep

・The Situation Scam for mental, physical bully by exploiting electro-magnetic wave, chemicals, through satellite technology.
For instance, by observing brain work and by electro-magnetic wave, they make that mother’s brain state to fury while baby is crying, or electro-magnetic wave make baby cry and make the mother depression. They practice these bully with unthinkable morbid persistence. In my case, I get timely interfere of electro-magnetic wave while I try to read book or understanding or study things. It is easily distinguishable if I hold my head by my arms. They follow me 24hours.

Expected conclusion for fucking morbid institutionalize-raised patriotic freeloading free-rider (alien)
・ our suicide
・ our accident
・ our emotional eruption
・ our mistake
・ our crime
・ our waste our own life
・ our health bleak down

With all my paranoia, as I’m feeling of waste my life, they are efficiently systematically managing for making the Domestication ERP works. It seems to me that would be cumbersome to confront it, because these are absolute unreasonable and it must surely leads us into waste.


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