A white flag
As you know, I’m suffering physical pain causes delusional episodes often focus my paranoia on external tormentor usually one conforming to Jungian or Floridian archetype, in my case, morbid perversion and persistence stem from the gruesome libido such as pedophile faggot, distorted patriotism, biological biochemical physiological psychological psychic brain-work fetishistic ideologist, namely institutionalize-raised either inferior or superior complex turns god complex asshole four thousand years history of ancestral, communistic, monopolistic, fascistic, freeloader alien hurt my right head and it damages right brain with great persistence and it seems to me never stop doing;
So I will be a candidate for the election as a representative of Anti Institutionalize-raised Patriotic Fanatic Freeload-ism terribly conservative political group (AIPFFTC);
If I became prime minister;
I won’t produce a lot of atomic bomb.
I won’t conquer the world.
I won’t make the satellite floating around the world in ecstasy.
I won’t domesticate people.
But as it’s not likely, here is the alternative proposal;
I invented attachable white flag on finger (PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH ON MIDDLE FINGER)
So I’d better admit my defeat with certain respect.
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