Attractive ladies
Maybe if you are hetero-sexual, everybody feel some attraction when you pass by beautiful guys or ladies in a street or wherever you are, even though you don’t know who he/she is. I also attracted ladies, too, because I am mere an ordinary hetero-sexual guy. (Not A GAY) When I just look at them, and just attracted them, I sense the alien’s satellite technology electro-magnetic streak hitting or stimulating my groin or hitting my head, any part of body, because my brain work is particular reaction, such, attracted particular occasion, I often feel disgust, maybe the alien molesting these ladies. As a person who is being haunted, observed, examined, my brain work, and behavior by exploitation of satellite technology for 24 hours, I’ve always been concerning that would be better to clear myself; because it would be extremely harmful nasty molestation, possibly the alien detain these ladies remotely like I am. (Faggot Maggot Observation Masturbation) And they need some pretext for it by exploiting any other exploitable who has particular social status like me. They know sexual vileness would be exploited for domestication against our society (FMOM Domestication ERP), as I didn’t realize I was domesticated, until when I went out abroad. (I think I’m insane) Anyway, is there anyway to kick the alien out from me? It is really nasty to me.