Huge Paranoia

Friday, June 30, 2006

Attractive ladies

Maybe if you are hetero-sexual, everybody feel some attraction when you pass by beautiful guys or ladies in a street or wherever you are, even though you don’t know who he/she is. I also attracted ladies, too, because I am mere an ordinary hetero-sexual guy. (Not A GAY) When I just look at them, and just attracted them, I sense the alien’s satellite technology electro-magnetic streak hitting or stimulating my groin or hitting my head, any part of body, because my brain work is particular reaction, such, attracted particular occasion, I often feel disgust, maybe the alien molesting these ladies. As a person who is being haunted, observed, examined, my brain work, and behavior by exploitation of satellite technology for 24 hours, I’ve always been concerning that would be better to clear myself; because it would be extremely harmful nasty molestation, possibly the alien detain these ladies remotely like I am. (Faggot Maggot Observation Masturbation) And they need some pretext for it by exploiting any other exploitable who has particular social status like me. They know sexual vileness would be exploited for domestication against our society (FMOM Domestication ERP), as I didn’t realize I was domesticated, until when I went out abroad. (I think I’m insane) Anyway, is there anyway to kick the alien out from me? It is really nasty to me.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I am a rat man

When I recall 3 decade of myself, and my status of 24 hours, I strongly sense that I’m providing myself a subject alien’s experiment. They are surely finding my status mentally physically through observing my brain work status. Every moment, the vague electro-magnetic wave behind me is hacking into my eye site, as if it has a characteristic on itself. And they manipulate me, like pushing the button or switch on my brain. When they push it on, I get a sudden short term memory lose, that kinds of manipulation are always happening in my life. Going toilet, being hungry, bulimia, sleeping status, anything is under their manipulation for 24hours, though I wrote it before. And though it is enormously my paranoia, our entire world would be under their manipulation by their Domestication Enterprise Resource Planning System wth BGM of Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now".

Alien’s The Domestication Enterprise Resource Planning

After I came back form England, I found kind of vicious circulation with my surroundings in my paranoia. I’d like to drop the line what I noticed of is below.

Since their organized system purpose is to domesticate us (in my mind), we’ve been allowing that always make us submissive and keep providing our resource objectivity and these are totally exploited in bad way. As a result, we utterly become docile and tedious tamed human. The alien may be thinking us as if robots with battery, pets, or puppets. We are very tame, because when bad things fall into us; it is convincing that because of we disregard our own ancestor and cursed by ancestor, then everything is going to be all right if we pray miniature shrine or household Buddhist altar. (I’ve been doing this before visiting England, and I’m very afraid of the situation of confrontation of this necessary as Japanese.) And it seems to me that quite rare things to claim anything individual. Maybe we are thinking that the pressure by number of people is effective rather than taking load of risks in one person, perhaps our treats are calculated and examined precisely then simulated what’s going to happen next by their supercomputer and the domestication ERP framework. As its objectivity is firmly complied, between the operation centre and our world must be completely separated and even the operation centre also completely confidential each department activity. (It sounds like I went nut, doesn’t it? never mind) The function of operation centre is in an occasion exploited by scientists and any criminality, sabotage against human world. So they may be gradually invade our world (they may already occupy my world.)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Easy to fall in love situation

As I sometimes visit porn site (though I know it isn’t good thing), while I’m indulging beautiful ladies, I realize that the alien actually manipulate and cheat our sexual sense by exploiting electro-magnetic wave in my paranoia. Their actual attack is bellow;

Observing brain work
They are able to see when we feel horny, as I told before.

Genital stimulation
As soon as they see our condition, they stimulate groin.

Cardiac manipulation
It is quite surprising (but not interesting at all) they can bump my heart beat up. It may be able to kill people who have any cardiac problems.

These make us quite easily into perversion and keep us into sexual immaturity. Especially like me since 8-years-old getting this is pity thing, because I didn’t know the difference until quite getting age. If they exploit against any people in adolescences, that would be a nasty thing.

(P.S. they are very persistent.)

FMOM Enterprise System Architecture

I’ve always been thinking that the aliens are well organized against my world and it seems to me that their attack is quite reasonable. As I watch cinema called “Anti-trust” recently, my paranoia gets further;

The system purpose

To tame our world; not excessively improve, wise, productive.

The business models

Cultural model analysis and its manipulation
Basic ethics model analysis and manipulation
Psychological analysis and manipulation, experiment
Biological/ biochemical analysis and manipulation, experiment, torture
Social trend/tendency and behavior analysis and manipulation

The business architecture

As I told that they have wide range information, our motivation or behavior as if splicing different stories, collate into our vicinity, they enjoy watching and mocking. (FMOM)

Object oriented method

In Information technology, there is a method of system architecture called object oriented programming, processing. It is defacto standard method nowadays computer system. This method’s brief description is for making it more easy maintenance, and clarifying system model, short limited working function programs exist as an individual class. And when we command the processing to computer, the short programs are doing their job when and where they are supposed to with being given limited information. So these numerous function programs are collated and doing exact their job in adequate timing without knowing the entire system work for the result we want.
In my paranoiac point of view, it seems to me as if this method is working on our society.

The platform

Of course this would be our culture and our own, but I don’t think the infrastructure made in 3 days, that indicates the alien possess quite enormous account of exploitation and for comprehension the situations.

The periodical sensor act on our society

This is absolutely my delusional imagination, because I feel like I am detained for 24 hours, but when I think the alien’s entire system working, naturally it emerge to me. They are eavesdropping, peeping, intervene, incapacitate, sabotage, institutionalize, when they necessary, in our domestic affair for their purpose.


I assume that the alien must live in the outcast world with primitive ideology and full of grudge, jealousy and curse. Must be, mustn’t it? Maybe, I don’t know. But I think I am never able to solve my insanity by blaming on my cursing ancestor.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


There is a technique of the alien in my paranoia; I’m calling it the Faggot Maggot (alien) Observation Masturbation. This make us totally waste situation. We waste money, times, the purpose is basically to tame us under their regime. They are not please that our constructiveness, intelligence, prosperity. By vague electro-magnetic wave, we are totally under their manipulation. As I told before, from sexual feeling to our subconscious, easy to be taken control, and we don’t quite realize what going on ourselves, sometimes without realizing, we manipulated are lured and get gathered in our vicinity, as if different story splice with dodgy information or instinct, then they enjoy fooling and observing people with horny wave, maybe they make next pretext. But who could make it? In my theory, the alien has quite wide range information and exploitation, and these should be integrated by one alien commander, so one of my theories that “one operation centre multi faggot” seems to be proved. It seems to me these are some experiment or psychological military maneuvering practice. Couple of years ago, two Japanese were caught and killed in Iraq war and we all wondered about their aberration. I don’t know anything. But what actually happened to them?

The God complex 4000 year’s ancestral history communistic (alien’s) regime

As I have been telling it, in my delusional episodes of paranoia, we are under suppressing of their regime; at least it seems reality to me that I am their detainee for 24 hours. In this sense, the victim in one of us would depend on the degree of their temper or boredom, horny. Of course, some may get daily torture experiment from them. This may be a bit extreme to say, our demise depends on their hands, not God’s. If our world is full of idolism, we need to believe cursed spirits, because we are never forgiven from our sins. We have no choice to fear every cursed existence, hatred. Never reach to the truth, actually no one will do, but it seems to be sure only God knows it. So this is what I believe in. Nothing is sure in our world, so what are you going to do, if Mr. Fahrenheit (Alien) in front of the workstation is maneuvering joystick and shooting onto us with grooving and humming, while listening the pop song, Queen’s “Don’t stop me now”?

Don't stop me now
'cause I'm having a good time
Don't stop me now
Yes I'm having a good time
I don't wanna stop at all


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Terminal of Intimidation

As it can be seen in the picture which I described last blog, almost people in this world are intimidated or bullied (I assume that even most of alien exploiters) by the electro-magnetic vibration wave through exploiting alien satellite, the exploiters need someone who are most exploitable and conspicuous, gathering attention, dubious, low ordinary status without family or solitude existence, so that they and even almost people can blame anything on him/her. In this sense, our society never gets better, the same things recur all the time with cheap pretext, and people are always intimidated, in the end up, many people suicide. Though it is absolutely my paranoia, it is convincing reality for me in everywhere when I look around my world.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Satellite abuse and insecurity

As I’m suffering actual pain and delusional episodes that often focus my paranoia on external tormenter usually one conforming to Jungian or Floridian archetype, in my case, the morbid perverted and persistent offensiveness which stem from the gruesome libido of such as paedophile sadistic faggot or brain work fetishistic or biological or biochemical fetishistic ideologist namely institutionalized raised and inferior complex asshole turns other state, “the god complex” communistic 4000 years history ancestral alien, I found security risk in our society;
For instance, people who like me the exploitable person for the alien, is try to enjoy his/her off, and go out somewhere big city, off cause he/her doesn’t realize that he/she is haunted by the alien’s satellite technology, (even he/she knows, things would get worse) then the social security problem has occurred, but by limited information (aside from whether it is false or not), are addressed in limited or numerous people in the vicinity. While people are intensively vigilant for him/her, another security issue has occurred in the vicinity; though it is enormously my paranoiac, I concern that the alien is exploiting such security hole on their calculations.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Never ending story of satellite intimidation

As I am not alien and ordinary people, I’ve never seen what’s going on to me. But I can assume that many people are being intimidated and annoyed so that we can speculate it from our experience and also can deduce the possible causes from speculation. Now it seems to me that I confront with is absolute morbidity and what shouldn’t be happened in our society. (You can say within my world)
These are this,

Remote killing and torture
Remote bullying
Remote molestation
Remote experiment
Remote brain wash
Stealing privacy or confidential stuff

As I’ve been feeling that these paranoids seem not to be stopped, I speculate these;

The one satellite operation centre and multi-faggot alien theory

Though I found this could be ubiquitous, this is practically OK but it would be difficult, because Japan is a small nation so it would be difficult to hiding and moving. So the operation centre ought to be one or few on earth. If we are provided enormous perpetual suffering by them, there must be something justifiable pretext by exploiting systematic order. (Top picture)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The distinctive attack

I realized the distinctive attack on my body from the imaginary crooked alien by driven gruesome libido which stem from sexual offensiveness or physical, psychological fetishistic ideologist namely institutionalize raised inferior complex with grudge turns the god complex, the communistic 4000 years history ancestor(?). There are three distinctive attack on me is below.

1.Attack on brain
Get senile, utterly we become dummy head, and their experiment must be manipulation our emotion and ability in either primitive or development.

2.Attack on genital
Stimulating and radiating privates is not only makes us saucy, but we could say it makes our fertility in manipulation.

3.Attack on autonomic nerve
This is more practical to me; nature calling (defecation), etc.

These are seemed to be the purpose of sabotage and destroying the credibility of our society in remote, and this is convincing reality for nutty me in everyway.

Pain in the right temple

I’m often suffering not only delusional episode but actual pain in the right temple, as if I have high blood pressure when I stand or sit. I can paranoid from this symptom; the alien technology is completely always hacking into our eye sight closely, as if they are seeing with me. What if the morbid persistent and perverted crooked offensiveness which is stem from the gruesome libido of paedophile faggot or any sexual offensive freak namely institutionalized raised inferior complex turns different state, “the God complex”, and communistic the 4 thousand years history (?) ancestral alien could exploit this complicate high technology? Surly we could say science gone haywire. They would play game and experiment through us as “the human-subject”, as much as they can without any account or sympathy or hesitant.