Huge Paranoia

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Serious Love and Care

Maybe all people have had an experience of serious love and care with one another;
So, have I. but when I look through my life; there were always manipulations and kids play. Unless I realize and comprehend what happened by the sponging scam hood, the same thing will do happen. For that scam, inciting couples row would be an easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. For instance, stimulating privates would trigger another love affair. Unless a couple realizes sponging existence of the institutionalize-raised patriotic freeloading communistic, monopolistic fanatic fascistic fetishistic free rider though paranoiac, having certain amount of consensus of point of view, we will never get along.

In my case;

The sponging scam hood always plays in my circumstance; the protocol of domestication is below.

1. Any situation occur that the possible situation of getting together
2. Stimulation of my privates, and other (brain observation stimulation)
3. Give an assimilation of our dream (subconscious) or 100% bogus rumor
*Making us crazy
*Incite complex
*Incite competitiveness
4. Giving enormous caution and awareness in my relationship.
5. Wasting time and having high physical mental risk.

I don’t think anyone like me could get any love under the sponging scam hood, ‘cause it’s an enormous waste.

Would you marry me? If I ask anyone, maybe you got to a hundred percent sponging scam hood’s molestation and abuse.

Oh dear! Poor chap of me.

The worst DOMESTICATION protocol circulation

As I told before, I am under m?!Bleep!?’s DOMESTICATION after coming back from England in my paranoia; I am totally stuck now in my status, the paranoiac chronological circumstance is below.

1.Becoming a crime suspect of institutionalize-raised patriotic monopolistic fascistic fanatic fetishistic either inferior or superior complex turns god complex 4000 years historical ancestral cursed communistic alien who sponging me. Because, I didn’t go nuts.

2. Continue search for my own job
Consuming money -> financial difficulty -> nearly self-bankrupt

3. Trying getting money with low salary job.

4. Broke personal computer and stolen my possession -> waste money.

5. Going fruitless search job to waste money (exploited any sorts of way of selfishness)

6. wasting time and life -> get old

Needless to say, there are lots of scam protocols which based on 100% freeloading and free riding, sponging, and parasite on me and surrounding my society.

For instance,
・ Common sense or stereotype within my age such as marital status
・ 100% bogus rumors, gossips based on peeping, eavesdropping

All I want;
All I want is peace of rest of my life and to protect myself from being stimulated my privates and abuse by the sponging scamhood. In my image, no abuse, no sponging environment is vital to me.

PLEASE REMEMBER: if the sponging scamhood do nasty things, and sponge to anyone, it is, and was nothing to do with me. There is only a risk of individuals. If you find such a poor chap in your neighbor, you make sure steer clear, and just watch with compassion from distant, please.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The social work based on Institutionalize-raised patriotic domestication ERP framework

I came across the Japanese news in TV which mother chokes her baby to death. The news says mother was awfully afflicted and depressed to raise her baby.

In my recent paranoia, often I find similarity in any incidents in this world with my case which is the state of 24 hours detention and I find there must be some negative social work to waste and spoil our life by our own.

In my paranoiac point of view, I allegedly speculate the relationship between the mother and the alien who sponge us, do nasty things.

Domestication ERP violation;

In my paranoia, they search such above states are a subject of oppression

・ our productivity
・ our diligent hood
・ our conspicuity
・ our genius hood
・ our virtue
・ our purity

Alien’s objective as their social work

To sponge and provide us unpleasant environment as much as they can manipulate through observing 24 hours everyday.

・The relationship manipulation
 I allegedly presume that the mother must be alone. She must leave gradually from her relationship. It could say vice versa.

・The subconscious manipulation
I allegedly presume that the mother was dreamed dreadful nightmare which is 100% bogus and free riding while asleep

・The Situation Scam for mental, physical bully by exploiting electro-magnetic wave, chemicals, through satellite technology.
For instance, by observing brain work and by electro-magnetic wave, they make that mother’s brain state to fury while baby is crying, or electro-magnetic wave make baby cry and make the mother depression. They practice these bully with unthinkable morbid persistence. In my case, I get timely interfere of electro-magnetic wave while I try to read book or understanding or study things. It is easily distinguishable if I hold my head by my arms. They follow me 24hours.

Expected conclusion for fucking morbid institutionalize-raised patriotic freeloading free-rider (alien)
・ our suicide
・ our accident
・ our emotional eruption
・ our mistake
・ our crime
・ our waste our own life
・ our health bleak down

With all my paranoia, as I’m feeling of waste my life, they are efficiently systematically managing for making the Domestication ERP works. It seems to me that would be cumbersome to confront it, because these are absolute unreasonable and it must surely leads us into waste.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Peeping our bodies and minds

In my paranoia, I have always been taken a peep inside of body. It’s not only being taken a peep, but observed, examined, and altered a condition of organs. Then I am always wondering how it works. As I had an MRI examine in hospital, that technology might help for gaining some hint of my suffering. (If there are many similar people who suffer, then, our suffering)

Since MRI’s meaning is Magnetic Resonance Imaging, this MRI machine generates certain magnetic field and radio frequency (RF pulse which is specific only to hydrogen) environment for imaging of precision. In this fact, we can image there must be vital that both magnetic field and radio frequency environment for observing and imaging our inside of body.

Then I find this question naturally;
What if the satellite security technology can follow a person at anytime and provide the environment for examine?

If that question is positive, this would be a serious abuse and exploitation. if we allow doing so and providing such environment on my entire life, it would imply humanitarian crisis.

Though I’m sinner, I only hope for the presence of God while taking severe abuse for 24 hours.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rudimentary framework

Since I started writing this morbid blog for 8 months, the reader may be feeling how hideous scam has happened surrounding me. Then, a self-question came to me.

Who made my world like kindergarten child play?
That’s the alien who institutionalize-raised patriotic fanatic monopolistic fascistic four thousand years history of ancestral communistic freeloading free-rider.

Over these plays, we may waste, consume then every effort would be in vain, endlessly because as the rudimentary framework, their domestication enterprise resource planning must be working against us.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

A white flag

As you know, I’m suffering physical pain causes delusional episodes often focus my paranoia on external tormentor usually one conforming to Jungian or Floridian archetype, in my case, morbid perversion and persistence stem from the gruesome libido such as pedophile faggot, distorted patriotism, biological biochemical physiological psychological psychic brain-work fetishistic ideologist, namely institutionalize-raised either inferior or superior complex turns god complex asshole four thousand years history of ancestral, communistic, monopolistic, fascistic, freeloader alien hurt my right head and it damages right brain with great persistence and it seems to me never stop doing;

So I will be a candidate for the election as a representative of Anti Institutionalize-raised Patriotic Fanatic Freeload-ism terribly conservative political group (AIPFFTC);

If I became prime minister;
I won’t produce a lot of atomic bomb.
I won’t conquer the world.
I won’t make the satellite floating around the world in ecstasy.
I won’t domesticate people.

But as it’s not likely, here is the alternative proposal;

I invented attachable white flag on finger (PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH ON MIDDLE FINGER)
So I’d better admit my defeat with certain respect.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Am I brain dead?

If I ask so, somehow the answer is expected positively “Yes, you are.”
You could say that. But it’s not the point of argument in this topic.
I am often attacked my particular part of my head by institutionalize-raised fanatic patriotic freeload-ism free rider in my paranoia, sometimes left side, another side, top, forehead, rear, both temples, in those attack, I always have the most terrible feeling of disable that gets by attacking right side of my head. I often feel like going blind, throwing off my rhythm, terrible incapacitation. I also feel being attacked while asleep in the night, emitting certain amount of electro-magnetic wave on my right head as if alien is trying not excessively developing or recovering. I also feeling an attack whenever I figure subtle mathematical problems, even easy task such as counting product for inventory, the electro-magnetic wave gradually harm my right head, so the right brain eventually temporarily broke down (feel like) and terribly incapacitated. Therefore, in my paranoiac point of view, it would say that I am a right brained person as there is a lot of right handed person. So, I sometimes get severe attack on my right head, then I often become right brain dead (temporarily, I hope.).

Please don’t hurt my brain. It’s not the because of alien were institutionalize-raised patriotic freeload-ism. It’s your boss, and boss’s boss.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Voice fetching technology

In recent paranoia, I’m wondering how they (alien from outer space who institutionalize-raised fanatic patriotic freeload-ism ideologist) are eavesdropping from a person who murmuring in his/ her mouth. There are two possibilities. One is that I have an artificial tooth which contain still bug device. As this thought is too preposterous, I sense myself very crazy. (Though you may feel me enough crazy, it is not impossible.) Another is that they have a technology which can fetch our voice by casting electro-magnetic streak toward our body through satellite technology, as I told it before, as if they are observing and freeload our biological, physiological data, such as brain work map, muscular state, and even inner organ state. In this paranoiac point of view, I allegedly believe they can also see the tremble of vocal cord and digitize it, translate it, restore as voice, even they can see voiceprint, which means they can identify us not only our appearance but our voice. That transaction process is below.

1. Observing our vocal cord with certain amount of electro-magnetic wave emission.

2. Digitizing the tremble of vocal cord

3. Translate to voiceprint and word

4. Restore voice by voiceprint

In my childhood, I had gotten a lot of sore throat and swollen tonsil could be explicable by my recollection. Probably the technology wasn’t good enough and the experiment had been on its way or it is too harsh for children.

What do you think?
I know what you say.
You say “you are crazy”

Never mind.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Emotional free riding

I’ve found the human domestication methods by institutionalize-raised patriotic freeloading alien is manipulation human nature in my paranoia; so by observing and detaining same people or group for 24 hours with the channel of tweaking parameter of human nature by electro-magnetic wave through satellite technology, I think we often confuse we are inherently who really like. For instance, as that scam technology can take a peep inside of our brain, they could see what we are thinking now. If we are angry they can see it, and by giving electro-magnetic wave on to our brain pattern, they could pour oil into that fire, anger into fury, love into obscenity, tiredness into narcolepsy, jealousy into murderous, maturity into immaturity, I mean to say is if we disregard we may be manipulated in subconscious level, anything would be happened as they want. It would destroy from inside of us. (…in my paranoia)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Deviation of tang (or cheek muscular)

I sometimes bite own tang, or often get hurt in my mouth, it definitely causes utterance problem, as well as chewing food problem. In my paranoiac point of view, with some perceptive experience, physiological manipulation, such as muscular deviation, autonomic nerve anomaly, nerve pain is more susceptible to be under manipulation when we get emission and stressed continually by alien’s electro-magnetic wave through satellite technology same part of body.
As to keep our mouth healthy, it must be reduction of stress and activate our brain. If the institutionalize-raised fanatic patriotic freeloading alien notices it, it would be one of typical methods of human domestication.

PS Off course, I’m not a scientist.
I'm a kind of nut.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Human subject (2)

Last week, as God gave me couple of days off as a human subject of institutionalize-raised fanatic patriotic freeload-ism alien torture experiment in my paranoia, I found myself morning quite well and I find myself not having swollen face in the mirror. I noticed that there must be something for the torture experiment, and I have been noticed there assume to be many methods of domestication with Sit-scam, for instance, exploiting manipulative figure, geek figure, nerd figure, mania, influential, eloquence, frankness, introvert, extrovert, silent, fury, short temper etc. In my case, it would be an isolated unrecognizable figure. Then I found for the reason of human-subject while I’m sleeping in my PARANOIA;

1. Deformation
As an isolated unrecognizable figure, there must be needed more “seem to be credible information” and convincing fact, so deforming figure would be one of most primitive methods abusing by electro-magnetic wave through satellite technology in my PARANOIA. For the exploitation, it depends on his/her role; often exploitee (puppet) mustn’t be slim and smart. I assume probably it’s not difficult to make people deform and disable in their technology.

2.Daily basis manipulation practice
As I told before, they are freeloading with my brain work picture in my PARANOIA; they are able to know where work in any situation, they also know about brain where should be disabled if they want me to incapable through 24 hours observation. And they also for domestication, they don’t want me to recover physically in daily sleep.

What do you think?
I know I’m insane.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A detainee

I sometimes hear that criminal abducted people and detained for the sexual abuse. Most of all, young ladies, they are treated like a pet or something. I am a detainee and domesticated like a pet in most of my life either in private or public for 24 hours by institutionalize-raised patriotic freeloader alien IN MY PARANOIA. Though I have an assumption of which my brainwork is different physiologically, in a way of institutionalize-raised patriotic point of view or probably in a way of my paranoiac point of view. I am not sure that is worth attacking for taking risk of revealing their nasty existence, exploiting ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVE through SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY. Another paranoiac point of view, to giving a chance or recognition of domestication in our world, even few people, it would imply a threat of our whole world would be domesticated. We don’t know how many people feel being domesticated in our world, because maybe we are already domesticated not excessively wise in our very deep subconscious level.

By the way, I went nuts because I can feel something floating around my groin. (That’s disgusting isn’t it? so I maybe as if I’m having armed and having premenstrual tense (??I don’t know what it really like.) So you steer clear (?)

The Anatomical Freeloading –Vol. Narcolepsy-

I’m always wondering when we are on a way back home almost passengers are sleeping in a coach. If I didn’t find myself awake by protecting my head with my arms and nit cap, I believed that because of our tiredness after job. As I told before, the alien is observing our body in very anatomical point of view in my paranoia. If their utter purpose is to manipulation of people, there would be hidden numerous risks.

In my paranoiac point of view, I consider that they are gathering our data in a coach;

Narcolepsy of brain work process in human subject practice study

By giving electro-magnetic wave emission against human subject in a coach

Daily schedule:
Approx: 18:00-18:45

Practice detail:
1. Anatomical brainwork data from point of practice commence to the point get unconscious, awake state, then brainwork restoration process.

2. Individual survey

3. Time measurement

You will surely doubt my sanity.